The Martian Federation Society
Copyright 2017 by Raul E, Lopez, MD
Join Our Organization
$20 Donation
$40 Donation
$100 Donation
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us your name and mailing address then click above to make
a donation.
We use the well established internet service Pay Pal to process donations.
Just make sure the e-mail address
you use to sign in to Pay Pal is the same as the one on your e-mail.
If you like the ideas presented on this website please consider a generous
contribution to help promote the colonization of Mars. If the generation alive
today does not
embark on this adventure it is possible that many years may go by before conditions
are again ripe for mankind to colonize space. Human history shows that progress
is not always constant. We had better access to the moon when I was a child than we
do today. We may be at a historical crossroads where one path leads to technological,
political, and spiritual advancement and the other path leads to several centuries
of stagnation. Please consider that your contribution may be life insurance for the
civilization in which your children and grand children will live. We will use
your contribution for three purposes:
1. To advertise and develop this website. Many pay per click search engines charge
five cents per click to direct traffic to a website. Twenty dollars will buy 400 visits.
2. To begin planning and developing a robotic mission to the moons of Mars. This probe
would be a lander which would analyse the composition of the surface of these moons
and would look for signs of water.
3. To create a publication called "The Martian Quarterly" to promote the colonization
and exploration of Mars. The first few issues will take the form of a modest
newsletter but it should hopefully become a more elaborate magazine as interest grows.
Thanks for joining us on this great adventure!
Raul E. Lopez, MD